Where to start

Being in survival mode is no joke.

There are many reasons why we spend short or long periods of time in survival mode, from:

  • Spiritual ascension - with deep emotions coming to the surface for healing and clearing
  • PTSD
  • Global pandemic
  • Aftermath of global pandemic
  • Potential financial collapse
  • Being highly sensitive without emotional tools
  • Anxiety

...and more.

Nearly all of us have experienced some level of trauma simply by being alive at this time which means we struggle to navigate this world and what happens in our lives with calm and resourcefulness. Often it feels overwhelming and like a ship on the ocean in the middle of a storm. We are just trying to keep ourselves from throwing up.

Through my own personal journey of being in Survival mode - especially since August 2022 when the energies have increased - I have found that keeping it *very simply* is key.

Imagine a graph of 0 - 100%.

Between 0 - 40% is a green light of calm and it's pretty easy to navigate.

Then between 40 - 80% you could say you're "triggered" and there's adrenaline pumping, your thoughts might start racing etc. This would be when you have time to use your traditional toolkit of essential oils, meditation, breathing practices, movement etc.

Then between 80-100% is when you go into Survival Mode.
This is high activation, hyper-vigilance, it's all consuming and everything is too much. You will rely on old methods of self-soothing which for many of us include some sort of addiction (food, shopping, drama, sex, alcohol etc).

In this place the 40 - 80% toolkit doesn't work. It's too noisy in our heads and these tools are just more noise.

So instead we come back to basics.

  • Call a friend / coach / therapist
  • Cozy blanket
  • Hot water bottle
  • Hot chocolate
  • Watch funny movies or listen to funny podcasts. Keep it simple.

Survival mode is about feeling massive amounts of fear. Internally we feel unsafe and so when we feel calmer we need to learn how to help ourselves feel safer, stable, calm, resourceful. Spend time making friends with our fears, our pain, wound and hearts so we can learn to walk with the fear and then when it's ready, let it go.

Survival mode is note designed for us to be somewhere we stay in most of the time. It's where panic attacks / anxiety overwhelm and OCD live. They're a sign that we feel unsafe - so it's up to us to reach out and find people / tools / experiences to help our hearts and nervous system fully know they're safe.

We are safe. There is nothing to fear.


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