START HERE - Introduction

Guided Meditations have been one of the most important parts of my growth and healing journey - especially in the moments when everything feels so utterly intense and hard.

I've looked for meditations that take me somewhere that feels loving, nurturing, calming and helps me to find ease inside my head and heart.

I've listened to hundreds of hours of other people guiding me to places inside of myself and feel easeful and outside of myself that feel full of creativity and imagination.
I've adored every single minute I've spent listening and being in these spaces with these guides.

This section will keep continuing to grow. I will share with you the meditations I've created that have been profoundly moving for me, as well as other people I come across that move me, and in turn I hope move you too.

Guided meditations act like a circuit breaker. They help take us somewhere that we cannot get to easily ourselves.

One of my favourite meditations is with my love, Ben, who has a wild imagination and the places he takes me to in his visualisations are other worldly, delightful and expansive. It is my desire that he shares some of these with you too.

When I'm struggling, or when I want to connect deeper to my inner child, my heart or my higher self, I allow someone else to guide me there. Use these meditations as part of your team of people who love you and support you.


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